Sr Frontend Developer at Flock | Passionate about Javascript, React and Web Development | Active Stackoverflow contributor
VSCode is one of the most popular editors for web development. When writing code, we often require certain formatting actions, and a lot of them are...
Everything you need to know about React.StrictMode · As we gain more experience, we constantly evolve our coding practices and design patterns. This is...
Everything you need to know about the Observer design pattern in JavaScript · Everything you need to know about the Observer design pattern in...
Using Intersection observer to implement Collapsible menu · The most common use cases of Intersection Observer are Lazy Loading Images and Infinite...
The correct way to debounce your function with hooks · Debouncing and throttling are two very common terms that we come across when trying to optimize...
Use IntersectionObserver and lazy load images with a blur up effect · Lazy loading is a common performance optimization technique followed by almost all...